Blog: Resources for Couples

What to Do If One Partner Wants Counseling & The Other Doesn’t

What to Do If One Partner Wants Counseling & The Other Doesn’t

Relationships aren’t always smooth sailing, and some couples may need help to grow together and communicate their feelings with a neutral party. However, what happens when one partner is ready to go to counseling, but the other isn’t on board? It’s a situation many...

How Does Emotionally Focused Therapy For Couples Work?

How Does Emotionally Focused Therapy For Couples Work?

Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) is a popular and effective form of psychotherapy used to help couples and individuals build secure, lasting relationships. It is based on the idea that strong relationships require emotional bonding and that when a relationship is...

The Wedding Vow You Didn’t Know You Took and How To Keep It

The Wedding Vow You Didn’t Know You Took and How To Keep It

Most wedding vows ask the question “Do you promise to forsake all others as long as you both shall live?” However, the neglected second part of this question states “….or Will you keep making negative comparisons between me and real or imagined alternatives?” Who do...

Patterns of Conflict

Patterns of Conflict

Often when people come into couples’ therapy, it is because there is a conflict. At some point many people find themselves feeling alone and misunderstood in their relationship. When this happens, it’s easy to think there is something wrong with your partner or worse...

Why Boundaries Are Not Enough

Why Boundaries Are Not Enough How do NASA, the lunar orbit, and airplanes relate to marriage counseling? Frank Borman was the commander of Apollo 8, the first mission to fly around the moon. Later he became the CEO of Eastern Airlines, and his attitude toward aviation...

Marriage Myth Busting

Marriage Myth Busting

Does having children really decrease marital happiness?  Do marriages really get better when children leave the home?  Click here for a two minute video from the folks at the Doherty Relationship Institute regarding some interesting research findings.