
Help Her Heal Men’s Empathy Training Group

About the Group

One of the often left-out tasks in recovering from sexual addiction or infidelity is the task of learning how to respond to your spouse when they are triggered. One of the tasks of recovery from sexual addiction or infidelity is to learn how to help your spouse heal. The lack of an attuned response is often a sticking point in the couple’s recovery journey. Unfortunately, learning how to help your spouse often doesn’t get enough time or practice in individual or couples therapy.

This 12-week group uses Carol Juergensen Sheets’ book “Help Her Heal” as its working text. You will be required to purchase the workbook before beginning the group.  Alongside other men, you will learn a road map for developing empathy, managing her trauma, building shame resilience, and healing your relationship from the damage caused by your sexual addiction or infidelity. The skills taught and practiced in this group will help rebuild trust and emotional intimacy.

Not sure what feelings are? Or how to express empathy? Feeling overcome by shame and want to retreat when your spouse’s trauma reaction is triggered? This is your chance to join a group of other men with the same questions and share a willingness to learn, practice, and support each other on this critical journey of helping her heal.


Confidentiality is a cornerstone of our group. What you share here stays here. This commitment to privacy is a crucial aspect of this group. Your journey is yours to share at your own pace, and we encourage a non-judgmental and empathetic approach to each other’s stories.

Help Her Heal Men's Group

Why Join This Group?

Help Her Heal is a cost-effective and non-shaming group to help you learn and grow. This online format is easily accessible. Matthew Driggers, LPC, is a Certified Sexual Addiction Therapist and a Certified Couple Betrayal Recovery Therapist. As you develop a supportive community each week, he will lead you through a workbook section and share real-life examples of what works and doesn’t work in helping her heal.

Help Her Heal Men's Group in Marietta

Meeting Times and Fees

Time: 12:00 – 1:00 pm

When: Wednesdays; March 13th – June 5th (excluding May 28th)

Where: Zoom

Cost: $75/group.  You are expected to be at each group meeting, and no refund will be given for missed sessions.

How To Sign Up: Click the registration link below to express your interest, and someone will contact you with the next steps.  All group members are strongly encouraged to be in individual therapy and will not be admitted to the group until speaking directly with Matt.

Registration: Click here to register.

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