Discernment Counseling

What is Discernment Counseling?

What do you do when you want to work on your relationship, but your partner is unsure? Couples therapy is great when both partners want to work on the marriage, but that’s not always the case. When one of you is just not sure, there is discernment counseling.

Often, one partner wants to save the marriage. The other partner is perhaps more negative than positive. Sometimes, neither partner is sure. With discernment counseling, you can both work on deciding if your relationship is worth the recovery, before taking a drastic step toward divorce or a breakup.

Discernment Counseling in East Cobb, Atlanta, & Roswell, GA

How Can You Ease The Pain of The Conflicts Within Your Relationship? 

Living on the hamster wheel of uncertainty is hopeless and exhausting for both of you. Sometimes, divorce seems like the only way to ease the pain. Other times, divorce is an option entered into reluctantly because it seems that things just won’t change. Don’t be discouraged.

Before you file for divorce and before you jump into couples counseling (which one of you is not into anyway), why not try Discernment Counseling? Discernment Counseling in Georgia is a short-term (one to five sessions) process aimed to help you gain clarity and confidence about what’s possible for your relationship, and what’s right for you. Your relationship is important so why not try one last thing.

Discernment Counseling in East Cobb, Atlanta, & Roswell, GA

A Thoughtful Decision to Start Discernment Counseling in Georgia

Whatever you choose, I want to help you make a better decision with fewer regrets. You need to know what is possible in regard to your relationship. Discernment counseling in Georgia is here to help you make a decision that will be best for you and your relationship. Our team of therapists knows this isn’t a decision to be taken lightly. Knowing this we provide you with the support you need to make an informed decision about your relationship.

Discernment Counseling in East Cobb, Atlanta, & Roswell, GA

Begin Discernment Counseling in Georgia Today!

Don’t feel stressed when dealing with your relationship. At East Cobb Relationship Center our therapists provide you with support in a safe and comfortable environment. We want you to have all the options you can available when it comes to making a decision regarding your relationship. You and your partner deserve it. Learn to decide what’s best for your relationship with three simple steps.

  1. Contact us for a free consultation
  2. Begin meeting with one of our caring therapists
  3. Begin to feel hopeful in your relationship

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