
Children’s Play Therapy

Play Therapy for Your Child

Play Therapy For Kids in Marietta, Roswell, & Atlanta, GeorgiaFamilies with young children are increasingly turning towards play therapy as a transformative approach to promote mental health and emotional resilience in their children. This unique therapeutic method might just be the missing puzzle piece for fostering healthy emotional development in young minds. Being a parent is a difficult job and the loneliness of not being able to help your child can drain energy from every area of your life. Some have said that “you are only as happy as your unhappiest child.” Whether that is true or not, every parent can identify with the sleepless nights and endless conversations over how to help their children.  Young children often need a different approach to therapy than adults.

What is Play Therapy

Play therapy is a powerful psychological approach specifically developed for children aged 3 to 12 years. It utilizes the natural medium of play to help children express their feelings, thoughts, and experiences in a safe and supportive environment. Play therapy for children is grounded in the belief that play is essential to a child’s developmental process – it’s how they explore the world, express themselves, solve problems, and learn about relationshPlay Therapy For Kids in Marietta, Roswell, & Atlanta, Georgiaips.

Dawn Lamprecht is a Licensed therapist at East Cobb Relationship Center and is trained as a Registered Play Therapist. Dawn uses play therapy to engage children in a way that verbal communication alone might not. Dawn uses the theoretical models of Adlerian Play therapy, Child-Centered Play Therapy, and Cognitive Behavioral Play Therapy to help your child overcome their challenges.

Using toys, art, sand tray, games, puppets, music, or other media, Registered Play Therapists can help children work through emotional or psychological challenges.

The Association for Play Therapy defines play therapy as “the systematic use of a theoretical model to establish an interpersonal process wherein trained play therapists use the therapeutic powers of play to help clients prevent or resolve psychosocial difficulties and achieve optimal growth and development.”

What Issues are Addressed with Play Therapy

Play therapy is incredibly versatile, catering to a wide range of psychological and emotional issues. Parents seek out play therapy for several reasons:

Play Therapy For Kids in Marietta, Roswell, & Atlanta, Georgia

  • Behavioral Problems: Issues such as aggression, school refusal, excessive shyness, or difficulties with attention and concentration can be ameliorated through play therapy.
  • Emotional Disorders: Anxiety, depression, and other emotional disturbances can be addressed effectively through therapeutic play sessions.
  • Trauma and Abuse: Children who have experienced traumatic events can find a voice through play, helping them process complex feelings in a supportive environment.
  • Family Dynamics: For children navigating through parental divorce, sibling rivalry, or the integration of step-families, play therapy offers a platform to express feelings and find stability.
  • Developmental and Learning Disabilities: Children with autism spectrum disorders, ADHD, sensory integration issues, and other developmental challenges can achieve substantial progress in their social and emotional skills through guided play therapies.

How Children Benefit from Play Therapy

We know that family wellness and the well-being of your children are high priorities. We recognize that when a child is suffering from mental strains of anxiety, grief, peer relationships, and academic difficulties the stress leaks through to the whole family. At East Cobb Relationship Center, we believe in helping your child without letting them become the scapegoat for all the family’s problems.  If your pre-school through elementary-aged child is struggling, then they may benefit from the play therapy.

The benefits of Play Therapy are multifaceted and can help with such things as:

  • Emotional Resilience: Play therapy allows children to experience and express emotion in a controlled environment, helping them develop coping mechanisms for dealing with feelings such as anger, sadness, or frustration.
  • Enhanced Communication Skills: During play therapy sessions, children are encouraged to express their thoughts and feelings. This can be particularly beneficial for those who have limited verbal communication skills.
  • Behavioral Improvement: For children showing signs of behavioral issues, play therapy offers a way to explore alternative behaviors within a safe setting.
  • Social Skills Development: Interactive play in a therapeutic setting enhances a child’s ability to cooperate, share, and interact with others which is crucial for school readiness.
  • Trauma Recovery: Play therapy is highly effective in helping children process and recover from traumatic events by allowing them to express their pain when they can’t find the words to describe their feelings.

Reach Out Today

Registered Play Therapists™ are equipped with the tools and expertise necessary to guide your child toward a healthier, more balanced psychological state.

When considering play therapy for your child, it’s important to consult with a Therapists™ who can tailor sessions to your child’s specific needs, ensuring that each child receives the personalized care they deserve. Families interested in exploring play therapy should look for practitioners with credentials from the Association for Play Therapy. Parents can also learn more through the Georgia Association for Play Therapy.

As more families recognize the myriad benefits of play therapy, this therapeutic approach continues to gain traction as an effective means of addressing and resolving childhood challenges. If you believe your child could benefit from play therapy, please contact us today. Our therapists can offer guidance tailored to your family’s needs. Foster wellness in your child’s life through the power of play, watch them thrive in every aspect of their development, and bring peace back to your family.

Other Services Offered at East Cobb Relationship Center

We know that mental health is important and challenges many individuals. Therefore, Marriage Counseling and Couples Therapy in Georgia isn’t the only thing that East Cobb Relationship Center offers. We also offer effective counseling for adults, teens, and young adults suffering from, traumaeating disordersdepression, therapy for enmeshed mentherapy for betrayal trauma, and anxiety treatment. Our therapists also specialize in compulsive sexual behavior and affair recovery. To learn more about us check out our FAQs and blog!

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